Whip Rush/Genesis

Whip Rush/Genesis

Prix: 109,99$

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Titre EN : Whip Rush
AlternateTitles : Whip Rush: Wakusei Vortegas no Nazo
Plate-forme : Sega Genesis
Date de sortie : 01/01/1990
Genres : Shooter
Co-op : No
Éditeur : Renovation Products
Développeur : Vic Tokai Corporation
Description : Whip Rush is a side-scrolling (with certain vertically scrolling descents and ascents) shooter similar to Gaiares and R-Type. You start with 3, 4 or 6 ships depending on the difficulty level you select. In addition to moving and shooting, your ship has Power Claws that you can rotate and extend for offensive and defensive purposes. Power Claws can be equipped up to two units and can shoot bullets. The upgradeable weapons are Laser, Missile, Fireball and Power Claw.